Black Sea Connect Young Ambassadors
Are you curious about the world and the ocean?
Are you interested in community building, science diplomacy, public engagement, education and training, and youth issues?
Are you one of the following:
- M.Sc., Ph.D. student or post-doc researcher who can demonstrate marine and maritime research, or policy-relevant science and/or industry,
- Science communicator;
- Environmental NGO activist;
- Science diplomat from the Black Sea countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine)?
Then we are looking for you!
We will be recruiting 2 Young Ambassador from each Black Sea country. Check out the website to read more about the other requirements and the application form.
Deadline: 31 May 2020
#Connect2BlackSea #BlackSeaConnect #BlueGrowth #BlackSeaYoungAmbassadors #FutureofBlackSea